Who needs to get an umbrella insurance plan in California?

Personal liability risk is something that all people in the San Jose, CA area need to take seriously. For anyone that is looking for ways to offset their liability risks, having proper insurance is a good idea. One type of insurance support that all people here should consider getting is umbrella insurance.

There are various situations when someone here should obtain an umbrella plan:

Those Looking to Improve Coverage Levels

One of the reasons that you should get an umbrella plan is if you are looking to improve your liability coverage levels. If you have a home or auto insurance plan, you already will have some liability insurance. However, there are limits to your coverage based on the size of your coverage in these plans. With an umbrella plan, you will have additional liability coverage on top of these policies. 

Broad Liability Support

You may also want to get an umbrella plan if you are looking for broader support. If you choose to get an umbrella insurance plan, it will provide you with a broad set of coverage against many personal liability claims. This is ideal for many people as your other insurance plans will only provide coverage for more specific liability risks. Ultimately, this offers you more coverage and peace of mind as you will know you have support during difficult situations. 

Give Us A Call

Getting an umbrella insurance plan is always a good idea if you are in the San Jose, CA area. When you are looking for this unique form of coverage here, it would be smart to start your search by calling Bayshield Insurance. Our professionals with Bayshield Insurance understand the value of this coverage. They will be able to provide any support that you need to build a proper plan. 

Should You Take Out a Life Insurance Policy On a Child?

At Bayshield Insurance, serving the greater San Jose, CA region, we are happy to assist our clients with all of their insurance needs, including life insurance. Many people have questions about this coverage, and one of the questions that we are often asked is whether a parent should take out a life insurance policy on a child. 

Should You Take Out a Life Insurance Policy On a Child?

If you are unsure if you should take out a life insurance policy on a child, you should consider whether you can afford to pay for a funeral out of pocket. No one wants to think about their child passing, but if an accident or illness happens, you want to ensure you can give your child the final resting place they deserve. If you cannot afford to pay for a funeral out of pocket, buying life insurance is a wise choice. 

What Are the Benefits of Taking Out a Life Insurance Policy On a Child? 

Another reason why you may want to take out a life insurance policy on a child is that it helps your child to get life insurance early on in life before injuries or illnesses strike. Many of these policies can carry along with your child their entire life, so buying a policy before illnesses or injuries strike helps to keep premium costs low. 

Give Us A Call

If you have a child, you may want to consider taking out a life insurance policy on your child. If you think you can benefit from purchasing a life insurance policy, Bayshield Insurance, serving the greater San Jose, CA area is here to assist you. Let us help you find the right policy for your family’s needs, including life insurance policies for yourself and your children. 

Why Homeowners Need Home Insurance

When you are the owner of a home, you need to be able to protect it with an insurance policy. If you don’t have home insurance, you will leave yourself open to financial ruin should a serious event happen to or in your home. It’s important to always keep a home insurance policy the entire time that you own your home. If you own a home and don’t have a home policy, give us a call now at Bayshield Insurance in San Jose, CA to get started.

Why Homeowners Need Home Insurance

It Protects Your Home

There are several different kinds of coverage that come in a standard home insurance policy, and one of the most important is coverage for the dwelling. This covers your home against a broad range of disasters, accidents, and other damaging incidents. When one of these covered events happens to your home, your home policy will pay for the necessary repairs to be performed on your home. This can save you many thousands of dollars in expensive repairs. 

It Covers Your Belongings

When you have home insurance, it doesn’t just protect your home. It also protects everything that is inside it. With home insurance, you have protection in case of a damaging event that destroys or damages what you own. When you add together the value of everything inside your home, it adds up to a significant amount. It’s important to keep it all protected with home insurance. Without this insurance, you could be left with nothing and have to start all over again by replacing everything yourself. With home insurance, the policy pays for replacing those items. 

Protect Yourself Financially

It’s important to have this insurance to keep yourself protected financially. If you own a home and don’t have home insurance, don’t wait. Call us at Bayshield Insurance in San Jose, CA.

How umbrella insurance can help protect businesses in litigious industries

Bayshield Insurance is pleased to provide the business community of the greater San Jose, CA area with all of its insurance services. We are here to help you meet your commercial insurance needs. If you own a business in an industry where lawsuits are part of the environment, commercial insurance is more important than ever. 

Don’t let frivolous lawsuits destroy your business!

When it comes to protecting your company, having the right liability protection in place can be hugely important. Without robust liability protection, one frivolous lawsuit could wipe out all of your hard work and dedication! Fortunately, with the right umbrella policy, you will have additional liability protection in place.

This means that when your primary policy is exhausted, your umbrella policy will become active. Having this protection in place can prevent the company principals from being held personally liable for any damages or expenses. Without an umbrella policy, many years of hard work can be wiped out overnight.

If it’s time for an umbrella policy for your company, now is a great time to explore the available options. Make an appointment with your local insurance agent and get this important insurance in place today.

We can help you protect your business with the right insurance 

Business owners in the greater San Jose, CA area turn to Bayshield Insurance for all of their commercial insurance needs. Make sure that you have the liability protection you need. Our team is here to help you with the process of finding comprehensive and umbrella insurance policies that will help to protect all of your hard work. If it’s time to get an umbrella policy to protect your company, call us today, and let’s schedule a consultation. We look forward to working with you!

I Have Life Insurance Through My Job. Do I Need More?

Among the best moves that you can make to safeguard the well-being of your family after you pass away is purchasing life. If you are lucky enough to work for an employer that provides you with an employee benefits package, a life insurance policy will likely be included. Many San Jose, CA residents that have life insurance through their jobs don’t think they need more life insurance. But this is not correct; at Bayshield Insurance, we recommend getting more life insurance even if you already have a life policy as part of your employee benefits.

Why More Life Insurance

1. Your Employee Benefits Life Policy Is Not Enough

Most employers offer their staff life policies that are several times their annual salary. For most employees earning $50,000 to $70,000 annually, the coverage is usually $200,000. While this is a reasonable amount, it’s not sufficient life insurance if you have debts, kids who will be joining college in the future, and a mortgage. Getting additional insurance would plug the holes left by your employer’s group life insurance and provide sufficient financial protection to your loved ones.

2. Your Employer’s Group Life Insurance Isn’t Customizable

An excellent life insurance policy should fit your family’s needs and financial situation. However, the group life insurance policy provides the same coverage to every employee. This means you can’t customize the policy like adding riders to suit your specific situation. Getting another life insurance enables you to customize the policy the way you want.

3. You May Want a Permanent Life Policy

Most life insurance policies provided under employee benefits are term policies. Employers usually renew the group life policy only for as long as the employee is working for them. If you want a permanent life policy, your only option is to get individual life insurance.

Bayshield Insurance is a leading insurance agency in San Jose, CA. Call us today for life insurance assistance.

Do older homes have different insurance needs?

If you own a home in San Jose, CA or the surrounding area, you can turn to Bayshield Insurance for all of your home insurance needs. We are proud to serve our community and look forward to working with you too. 

Insurance needs for older homes

When it comes to insuring older homes, there are a few factors to consider:

  • Aged infrastructure – if your plumbing and electrical systems haven’t been updated, what would be a small problem in a newer home can become a huge undertaking in an older house. The same is true for roofs, kitchens, and bathrooms.
  • Lack of materials – when you need a replacement part for one of the systems in your home, it can be difficult to find ones that will sync with what is already in your house. This means that you may have to replace parts that are still working in order to repair non-working functions.
  • Historical homes – owning a piece of local history can be very exciting. However, if your home is registered or otherwise listed as a historical property, you may be required to carry specialized insurance depending on the area in which you live.

All in all, older homes carry a lot of charm and make for wonderful family homes. When it comes to selecting your homeowner’s policy, be sure to review your concerns with your insurance agent. You may or may not need specialized insurance, but it’s important to choose the policy that best meets your needs. 

Let us help you find the right protection for your home!

Bayshield Insurance is here to serve all of the insurance needs of the greater San Jose, CA area. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you. Give our office a call today!

What Happens If I Don’t Have Commercial Insurance For My Business?

In California, businesses with one or more employees – full-time or part-time – must carry workers’ compensation insurance which helps pay for the medical bills associated with workplace injuries and illnesses. Additionally, any vehicle owned by a company must be protected under a commercial auto insurance policy with the following minimum liability requirements:

  • $5,000 property damage liability per accident
  • $15,000 bodily injury liability per person
  • $30,000 bodily injury liability per accident

Failure to carry both of these insurances can result in significant penalties. While it can be busy to look for ways to cut your spending, insurance for your small business should never be one that you neglect or fail to pay. Not only does commercial insurance protect your business from employee mishaps, but also most policies include a general liability clause that can protect your livelihood from third party claims such as a vendor slipping and falling on ice in front of your building or failure to take certain safety precautions. If you do not have adequate insurance, there are a myriad of consequences ranging from fines and jail time associated with failure to have workers’ compensation insurance, which is a felony in many states and lack of financial protection for your business if it is facing an emergency like a dissatisfied client. Other ramifications may include clients refusing to work with you, a landlord refusing to rent you a facility or storefront, significant loss of money, and the permanent shut down of your company. 

At Bayshield Insurance in San Jose, CA, we don’t want any of these scenarios to happen to you so we take immense pride in working with our small business owner customers to ensure they have adequate commercial insurance. Give us a call today to learn more about our insurance offerings.

Who needs to have umbrella insurance in San Jose?

In the San Jose, CA area, having proper personal insurance plans is always a good idea. While these types of coverage can include home and auto insurance, you also need to ensure that you are getting an umbrella insurance plan. This is a valuable type of insurance that will provide you with ample personal liability protection. There are various scenarios in which someone will want to have this coverage. 

Those that Want Protection Against Big Claims

A common situation when someone will want to have an umbrella insurance plan in the San Jose, CA area is when they want to protect against big claims. Being named liable for a major accident could result in damages that exceed coverage in your home or auto plans. If this occurs, your umbrella insurance plan will offer coverage on top of these policies to ensure you have the necessary additional protection.

Those that Want Coverage for More Risks

You should also get an umbrella insurance plan if you want to have coverage for more risks. Most people in this area of California are going to have liability insurance in their home and auto plans. While this is helpful, there are always liability risks that may not be covered by these plans. In these situations, you will want to have umbrella support as it will give coverage against a more blanket mix of risks. 

Once you have determined that umbrella insurance is right for you and your situation, you should call Bayshield Insurance. Those that are in San Jose can quickly find that picking umbrella insurance comes with complexities. Fortunately, the professionals with Bayshield Insurance offer various forms of support that can help you choose a plan that will give you the additional liability coverage that you are looking for. 

What’s not covered by homeowners insurance?

Typically, homeowners insurance covers damage to both the interior and exterior of a residence. It also covers loss as a result of theft and personal liability in the event that a guest is injured on your property. It also covers damage to the personal belongings of your guest while on your property. Although homeowners’ insurance covers many things, there are things that aren’t covered under a homeowners’ policy.

What’s NOT Covered Under a Homeowners Policy?

Your homeowner’s policy will not cover damage that occurs from natural wear and tear and neglect. This includes rust, rot, and mold, as well as damage from termites, insects, and rodents. Damage as a result of smoke and smog from industrial and agricultural operations is also not covered. Homeowners should also note that they may need to purchase a separate policy to cover artwork, collectibles, and valuable jewelry. Identity theft isn’t covered under a homeowners insurance policy either. Homeowners should consider their unique situations and speak with one of our team members at Bayshield Insurance. Separate coverage may be needed if you have expensive jewelry or art, or you live in an area prone to flooding.  One of our team members can discuss what’s covered under a homeowners policy as well as what items might need to be considered for coverage under a separate policy.

Certain Natural Disasters

A homeowners insurance policy will not cover damage caused by tsunamis, nuclear disasters, earthquakes, and floods. Conversely, homeowners insurance will cover damage caused by explosions, lightning, hail, windstorms, hurricanes,  and cold weather. The coverage falls under three categories that include an actual cash value, replacement cost, as well as extended replacement cost. Our team at Bayshield Insurance is ready, willing, and able to answer all of your questions about homeowners insurance coverage for our San Jose, CA customers. Give us a call.

Common Myths Regarding Umbrella Insurance

Bayshield Insurance serves the San Jose, CA community and surrounding areas. We help our clients find policies that minimize risks. Emergencies can occur at any time. That’s why it’s important to have insurance coverage that you can rely on during those tough times. We will assess your situation so that you can receive coverage that aligns with your personal goals.

Common Umbrella Insurance Myths

Umbrella insurance offers a layer of protection during serious liability situations. While accidents may inevitable at times, you could still face the consequences. If you accidentally injure someone, and they pursue litigation, your assets could be at risk if you don’t have enough coverage. That’s where umbrella insurance kicks in. The policy takes over once you have reached your liability limits so that you can avoid having to cover the dispute out of pocket. While you’re looking over your policy, avoid these common umbrella insurance myths.

Umbrella Insurance Is Too Complex

Remember that umbrella insurance is a form of supplemental coverage. It doesn’t act as a stand-alone policy. If you are involved in a home or auto liability dispute, umbrella insurance can protect you. If you are the owner of a San Jose, CA business, umbrella insurance can prevent you from losing everything if a customer alleges that your product caused them harm or if you are facing allegations of libel or slander.

I Don’t Have Any Assets

Some people are hesitant to obtain umbrella insurance because they believe it isn’t necessary because they don’t have any assets. Everything that you own has value. Imagine how difficult it would be to replace any assets lost in a liability dispute without insurance. Your entire future could be at risk. Umbrella insurance is an asset for everyone.

Bayshield Insurance Will Help You Cover Your Assets

Visit our website to learn more information about umbrella insurance.