When Will Home Insurance Not Cover A Fire?

Most of the exclusions that you will find in an insurance policy in San Jose, CA are less about the hazard itself than the cause of the hazard. So fire is usually going to be covered, but there are some major exceptions. For instance:

  • If you leave your home unoccupied for long periods of time, you may have your claim denied. In an unoccupied home, problems are allowed to go unchecked for months at a time, which can constitute negligence to your insurance provider.
  • Failing to cover your home at its full value. You may have your claim denied if you try to claim the full value of your home, but you’re still insured at what it was worth a year ago.
  • You started the fire yourself. This does not necessarily mean attempted fraud or anything like that. It could simply be carelessness on the homeowner’s part. If the fire started because you were playing with fireworks in the garage, your claim might not be honored.
  • If you ignore important repairs or serious dangers for long periods of time, that could constitute negligence. For instance, if you knew that you had faulty wiring in your home, but you did nothing to fix the problem, then your insurance provider might take issue with that.

For most fires, you will be covered, but there are exceptions. If you’re looking to buy home insurance in San Jose, CA, get in touch with Bayshield Insurance. Get on the Bayshield Insurance website or call us to see what we can do to get you a good deal on a great insurance policy.

When is home insurance in San Jose required?

When you are in the San Jose, CA area, owning a home can be a great long-term investment and provide you with a consistent place to call home. If you are going to purchase a home here, it continues to be very important that you have it properly covered with insurance. While it will always give you great and important coverage, there are also several situations when someone will be required to carry a home insurance policy. 

When Taking Out a Mortgage

The cost of housing in the San Jose area continues to be much higher than the national average. This makes the need to take out a mortgage an important one for most property buyers here. When you purchase a home here with a mortgage, the lender will want you to protect their collateral. Due to this, many lenders will require that you take out a home insurance policy and escrow for payments each month.

When in an Association

You may also be required to get home insurance if your home is in an association. Many San Jose property owners are subject to rules set forth by a home or condo association. If you are, you must follow them so you can stay in good standing. One way to do this is by getting a home insurance policy, which will be required by most associations. 

As you are shopping for a home and insurance policy in the San Jose, CA area, it would be a good idea to speak with someone that is experienced and can provide great guidance and support. The team at Bayshield Insurance can help you understand all of your needs and options. Based on this assessment, Bayshield Insurance can also help you build and choose your situation’s ideal policy. 

What is the point in having home insurance?

You cannot predict when and how severe a disaster will affect your home, but you can plan for how you will recover. This is exactly why most people insure their homes. If you’re interested in keeping your home in San Jose, CA protected, consider checking out what BayShield Insurance has to offer.

Any Kind of Disaster

You never know when mother nature will rock your home and cause damage, whether to the structure or stuff inside. Home insurance can include coverage up to a certain amount when this happens. Please note that home insurance typically excludes flooding and earthquakes. Speak with our agents about those types of coverage.

An unfortunate disaster doesn’t always come from mother nature, but also people. Your property could become the target for vandalism or theft that could leave you in a financial rut. Depending on the exact terms or coverage limits, it would be wise to have a home insurance policy ready for this.

Your Liability

While your home is yours, there is still a legal liability for when you invite people within. Suppose you are found liable for an injury while on your property, your insurance would pay for the damages up to a certain amount instead of it coming straight from your pocket. Limits can be raised much higher than the default if your property value and lifestyle deems it necessary.

Staying Within Terms of your Mortgage

More likely than not, the terms of your mortgage will obligate you to maintain homeowner’s insurance at the risk of foreclosure. Usually, this will be done at the lender’s end, but if not, you will have to maintain your own policy.

I think you get the gist of why you need home insurance. As shopping around for a policy in San Jose, CA is quite tedious with all the options available, we’d recommended checking out BayShield Insurance to see if we have a plan that fits your lifestyle.